You Have A Choice

You Have A Choice

 (Bible Overview #7 of 54)

One Main Truth:  Sin, anything that is displeasing, breaks God’s Perfect World

New to GameLife 123 Bible Discovery?  Click here to see lesson essentials & how to use the “Three Thirds Method.” 

1 GAME: Cats and Rotten Rats

Game / Bible / Life Connection:   In the Game Breaking the Rules Broke Our Game In the Bible Sin Broke God’s Perfect World / Sin in Your Life Hurts God’s Plan     for You

This is Step 1

1. Announce that we are going to play a game we played last time “Cats and Mice”.  Boys and girls, the instructions will sound the same because we played the exact same game last time.
2. Show Players the boundaries that the game will be played in.
3. Pick one Player to be a “Cat.” Stand the “Cat” in the middle of the area.
4. The rest of the Players are “Mice;” have them stand on one side of the area.
5. The object of the game is for the “Mice” to get across the area without getting caught (tagged) by the “Cat.”
6. Call out loudly “Cat, ready?” “Mice, ready?” “Go!”
7. The “Mice” run from one side to the other then stop at the other side.
8. If a “Mouse” is caught (tagged), then that Player also becomes a “Cat.” Play until all players become cats.
9. Twist: Say, Boys and girls, now we are going to play a game just like “Cats and Mice,” but this is called “Cats and Rotten Rats.” Here is the twist, after one round the Rotten Rat that has been tagged can sneak back into the line of rats and stop being a cat.
10. “Rats” stop once they have crossed the area and wait until the leader calls out “Cats, ready?” “Rats, ready?” “Go!” This continues until only one “Rat” is left.

[Coach please note: the game does not work, the game breaks down, that’s part of the experience. The game does not work because the Rotten Rats are taking a place that is not theirs to take.]

     To Use GameLife with your Family at Home using Online “Family Games”  or with your Children’s Ministry during a lockdown using “Online-Zoom-Games”

2 BIBLE DISCOVERIES: Gospel & Truth - Genesis 3

  Game / Bible / Life Connection:     In the Game Breaking the Rules Broke Our Game / In the Bible Sin Broke God’s Perfect World / Sin in Your Life Hurts God’s Plan      for You

Adam and Eve: God gave Adam and Eve the Garden of Eden; a beautiful place where they could live together peacefully. He gave them many fruit trees but he told them NOT to eat from the “Tree of  the Knowledge of Good and Evil.” That was the only rule He gave them. Do you ever find when you are given one rule to follow, that you are tempted to break that one rule? If I told you you could play anywhere in the room or on this field (depending on where you are having your lesson ) but you were not allowed to cross a line on the ground, do you think you would really want to cross it to see what would happen? I am very sure you would! Well, since the Lord first made people, the first ones being Adam and Eve, people have all been the same. Sometimes we don’t like rules ~ especially if we don’t understand why we have to keep them! Well, let me tell you about a very important rule, given to them by God Himself,  that Adam and Eve broke! 

Temptation and the Fall of Man:  One day, Satan (a created fallen angel that rebelled and disobeyed God, satan was punished for his disobedience and rebellion against God), satan disguised as a serpent wanted man to also rebel and disobey God, satan lured Eve to eat the only fruit that they were told NOT to eat! There were so many yummy delicious fruits to choose from. Try and imagine a garden with all your favourite fruits hanging ripe and ready to eat on all the trees!  The snake, that was really satan, told Eve she would be like God after eating that one fruit!  We don’t know how long she thought about it, and looked at it before she believed satan and took a piece of the beautiful fruit from that tree and had a bite. She also offered some to Adam, who was close by and Adam also ate the fruit.

That act is called sin, and the act is called giving in to temptation. That is when we think about disobeying and eventually do the thing we know we shouldn’t do it, Adam and Eve did it.  This act had a huge effect on Adam and Eve! It separated them from God!  They had disobeyed Him!  Their lives were changed forever!

Punishment for Disobedience: Adam and Eve  were sent away from Eden!  No longer could they enjoy the beautiful place God had made for them. God used to even come and talk with Adam and Eve in the evenings! They lost so much because they disobeyed  They were sent into a world where sin and suffering ruled.

We can learn from Adam and Eve. We must try to never give into temptation.  Listen to the voice of God.  Do not disobey. Sometimes the rules are there to protect us from things we may not understand. It is so important that we obey God, even if we don’t understand why.  God is always pleased when we obey.


  Game / Bible / Life Connection:   In the Game Breaking the Rules Broke Our Game /  In the Bible Sin Broke God’s Perfect World / Sin in Your Life Hurts God’s Plan  for You

Memory Verse:  “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”  Genesis 3:15.  Extra “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sins” 1 John 1:9

Leader, ask God to connect to the children’s minds, the children’s hearts, and in the prayer to connect to the children’s soul.

1. Game 
What broke the game at the end?
Was the Cat able to tag all the “Rotten Rats?”
Were all the “Rotten Rats” turned into Cats? Why not?
Did the game work perfectly like it did at the beginning?
Why not? (the rules were broken)

2. Bible
How many rules did God give Adam and Eve? (one)
What was the one rule to Adam and Eve?
What did man and woman do?
What happened after they disobeyed?

3. Life
Repeat after me: “God who created everything, God the one true god, God who created me, help not break your rules, not to sin against you, not to do anything that displeases you. Show me my sins *pause*. Jesus please give me courage to obey and share this truth.”

4. Worship Song
Ask the children what is their favorite worship song and then sing several worship songs with hand-motions
(click here for worship songs “GameLife Strong & Powerful Worship Motions”)

5. Reinforcement 
Use local resources and common objects.
Play the “True False game. Let all the children stand in a circle or in
a row. The leader will shout “True” or “”False” loudly. The children must jump forward when they hear the word True, and jump back when they hear the word False. Those who jump in the wrong direction are eliminated and the last three remaining children are  the winners! 

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