The Greatest Gift
The Greatest Gift
(Bible Overview #32 of 54)
One Main Truth: Jesus came to save the world, His birth is Good News!
New to GameLife 123 Bible Discovery? Click here to see lesson essentials & how to use the “Three Thirds Method.”
1 GAME: Blind Tag
Game / Bible / Life Connection: In the Game Players were Set Free by Hearing the Good News / In the Bible The Shepherd and Others Shared the Good News about Jesus’ Birth / In our Life The Birth of Jesus is Good News for ALL because Jesus Came to Save the World
This is Step 1
- Show Players the boundaries that the game will be played in.
2. Choose two Players to be “It.” And, choose one player to be the one to deliver the “Good News.”
3. The Player selected to be “It” then chases the others, attempting to get close enough to “Tag” one of them (touching them with a hand) while the others try to escape.
4. If a Player gets tagged they are now “Frozen and Blinded” they must stand in place and with their hands over their eyes, until someone comes and tell them the good news.
5. The “Good News” Player can perform free a player that is blinded by tagging them AND the MUST say to them “GOOD NEWS YOU ARE FREE!”
6. Once any player is set free by the “GOOD NEWS” they can also set players free.
7. Restart the game often giving other players different roles to play.
2 BIBLE DISCOVERIES: Gospel & Truth - Matthew 1
Game / Bible / Life Connection: In the Game Players were Set Free by Hearing the Good News / In the Bible The Shepherd and Others Shared the Good News about Jesus’ Birth / In our Life The Birth of Jesus is Good News for ALL because Jesus Came to Save the World
What is the most precious gift you have received? Where do you keep it? How do you look after it? Would you share it with others? Would you give it away if it could save someone’s life? What if your precious gift had life? Would you do the same?
I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus. –John 17:23
For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed. –John 17:26.
Mary has a baby boy: A long time ago in the town of Nazareth, there was a young woman named Mary, who was engaged to marry Joseph, a humble carpenter. But before they got married, something strange happened. One day, the angel Gabriel told Mary, “You will have a baby boy and you will name him Jesus, for He will save the world.” Mary
was frightened and said, “How can this be? I am not married yet.” The angel said the child would come from the Lord; there would not be a human father for this special child. Mary replied, “I am the Lord’s servant.” Later, Joseph learned that Mary was carrying God’s child. He trusted and obeyed God. Mary and he had been chosen to be the
earthly parents to Jesus, the Son of God! Praise God!
Caesar Augustus, the Roman Emperor, ordered a census of the entire Roman world. To get their name registered, Joseph & Mary travelled from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Mary sat on a donkey. They couldn’t find a room to rest in Bethlehem. A kind innkeeper offered a place in his animal shed. Jesus Christ was born through Mary; God himself became man in Jesus Christ and lived among man! Jesus was born to deliver man from sin and give us eternal life. This was God’s greatest gift to man in all ages.
Can you imagine how much God loves us? He gave us His son, to set us free from sin.
Those who in believe in Jesus are forgiven. Jesus said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me” (Jn. 14:6).
Game / Bible / Life Connection: In the Game Players were Set Free by Hearing the Good News / In the Bible The Shepherd and Others Shared the Good News about Jesus’ Birth / In our Life The Birth of Jesus is Good News for ALL because Jesus Came to Save the World
Memory Verse: “She will give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21
Leader, ask God to connect to the children’s minds, the children’s hearts, and in the prayer to connect to the children’s soul.
1. Game
When you had to stand still with your eyes closed who set you free?
What did they say to you? (Good News You are Set Free!)
Once you were set free could you also set others free?
Boys and girls, Jesus was born to save the world, to set the world free from sin, that is Good News! We should share this good news with everyone of all nations!
2. Bible
When the shepherds heard the Good News did they keep it to themselves? When the wise kings heard the Good News who did they tell?
With who should we share the Good News?
3. Life
Repeat after me: “Dear God, Thank you for sending your son to come save the world! This is Good News! Holy Spirit with who should I share this Good News? *pause*. Jesus please give me courage to obey and share this truth.”
4. Worship Song
Ask the children what is their favorite worship song and then sing several worship songs with hand-motions
(click here for worship songs “GameLife Strong & Powerful Worship Motions”)
5. Reinforcement
Use local resources and common objects.
Choose some children, assign characters (include the animals in the stable), and enact the story of Jesus birth.