Ask For God’s Wisdom

Ask For God’s Wisdom

 (Bible Overview #23 of 54)

One Main Truth:  God will give wisdom to those that ask, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

New to GameLife 123 Bible Discovery?  Click here to see lesson essentials & how to use the “Three Thirds Method.” 

1 GAME: Too Many Choices

Game / Bible / Life Connection: In the Game Somethings Seem Impossible by Ourselves / In the Bible Solomon Asked For God’s Wisdom to Lead an Entire Nation / In your Life You Need to Ask God for His Wisdom to Live Wisely

This is Step 1

  1. [Coach: Tell the children that they will have a mission to accomplish. But they will have to listen very closely to the instructions].
    2. Show Players an object in the distance that the players have to run to around and back and then the next team member runs.
    3. Divide the Players into two or more teams depending on the number of Players making sure teams are divided evenly. If there is an uneven number have one Player run twice for their team.
    4. When their turn is finished have them go to the end of the line and keep moving forward to the next round. Explain there will be three rounds.
    5. [Important: Only give the instructions once]. Tell the children that the first round, they will skip on one leg, the second round they will run backwards, the third round, they  will walk quickly yet they must walk.
    6. The winning team is the team that completes all three round correctly and then all team members site down. 


     To Use GameLife with your Family at Home using Online “Family Games”  or with your Children’s Ministry during a lockdown using “Online-Zoom-Games”

2 BIBLE DISCOVERIES: Gospel & Truth - Proverbs 1

 Game / Bible / Life Connection:    In the Game Somethings Seem Impossible by Ourselves / In the Bible Solomon Asked For God’s Wisdom to Lead an Entire Nation / In your Life You Need to Ask God for His Wisdom to Live Wisely

Mother: One day, two women came with a baby before a King. They were fighting.  Each said that she was the true mother of the child. To find out the truth, the King asked his servant to cut the baby into half and give them each half the baby! The false mother agreed to divide the baby into half! The real mother, unable to see her baby about to be killed, urged the King to give the baby to the other woman.  Praise God!

Solomon: The King we speak of was none other than Solomon the Wise, the son of King David. One night God appeared in young Solomon’s dream and said, “Ask for  whatever you want me to give you.” Solomon chose ‘wisdom’ to rule his people wisely. God was pleased that Solomon had put his God given responsibility before himself. Solomon knew that the Israelites needed a wise king who could lead and rule them.

Wisdom: What is wisdom? The Bible tells us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” The dictionary defines that wisdom is good sense and judgement.

Tanuj and his granny were best friends. She played with him, pampered him, and understood him. They loved each other very much. As Tanuj grew up, his parents did not
notice a change in him, but nothing escaped granny’s eyes. She noticed that he now had new friends and smelled different. Tanuj had begun to smoke and drink. He tried to hide the smell from everyone by using extra perfume and by chewing bubble gum. He knew that his granny and parents would be angry if they caught him doing bad things. One day, granny sat with Tanuj and started to oil his hair as he ate hot pakodas that she lovingly made for him. She spoke to him gently. “Beta Tanuj, I’ve never asked you, now that you are going into college, what would you like to become? “Tanuj replied, “Granny, I’m not sure what I want to be, but whatever I choose to do, I want to be
good at it. That is my goal.” Granny replied as she gently massaged his head, “Beta, remember, whatever choices you make in life, ensure that they lead you towards your goal, and not away from it. And when temptation comes your way, remember to ask God to guide you. Don’t be clever, be wise.” Granny said a silent prayer in her heart for her dear Tanuj.  She continued to massage his head and did not speak on the topic again.

Two months later, she was happy to notice that Tanuj no longer smelled of too much perfume, nor was he chewing bubble gum! He looked happier. She was proud that he had taken the path of wisdom. 

We need to make choices every day. Good sense tells us not to do anything that will harm us or those around us. We can practice wisdom everyday by choosing the right thing to do, with God leading the way.


  Game / Bible / Life Connection:    In the Game Somethings Seem Impossible by Ourselves / In the Bible Solomon Asked For God’s Wisdom to Lead an Entire Nation / In your Life You Need to Ask God for His Wisdom to Live Wisely

Memory Verse:  “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”  Proverbs 1:7

Leader, ask God to connect to the children’s minds, the children’s hearts, and in the prayer to connect to the children’s soul.

1. Game 
Was it easy or hard to find your shoes in those two big piles when you were blindfolded?
Explain that there are so many choices in life. If we try to make those choices without God’s wisdom it is like trying to find our shoes in those two big piles.

2. Bible
Did Solomon rely on himself to make choices?
What was the secret of Solomon’s success in ruling over Israel?
Who is the only who can give us wisdom?

 3. Life
Repeat after me: “God please give me wisdom to have the right priorities and to help those around me.  Holy Spirit help me to rely on You every moment of the day. Ask God for wisdom right now *pause*.  Jesus please give me courage to obey and share this truth.”

4. Worship Song
Ask the children what is their favorite worship song and then sing several worship songs with hand-motions
(click here for worship songs “GameLife Strong & Powerful Worship Motions”)

5. Reinforcement 
Use local resources and common objects.
Give each child a chance to be King of the class and solve problems.

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