The Leper & the Servant Girl 

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The Leper & the Servant Girl / 2 Kings 5:1-16

Bible Truth: One can point people to the One True God anywhere.

“Are you ready for the Joy of Discovery? Unlock the One Main Truth: It’s an adventure in the Game, a revelation in the Bible, and it will transform your Life. Let’s take one step closer to becoming a Champion for Eternity!”

In the Game: Reaching the Castle Seemed Impossible
In the Bible: It took a Step of Faith to Believe what Seemed Impossible  
In Your Life: Take a Step of Faith even though it may Seem Impossible

1 GAME EXPERIENCE: Storm the Castle

“Boys & girls, let’s play a game and have fun!“

  1. Show Players the boundaries of the game. Designate an outer square for team positioning and an inner square for the “Castle,” containing small objects to retrieve.
  2. Divide Players into four teams, one for each side of the outer square.
  3. Promise: Each team will win the game.
  4. Assign each Player a number within their team (e.g., one, two, three).
  5. Place four objects in the center of the inner square. Explain that when the Game Zone Leader shouts, “Number ones (or ones and threes), Storm the Castle,” players with that number can retrieve one object, being cautious not to get tagged by guards.
  6. Choose 6 Players as “Castle” guards. A tagged player is out if caught before grabbing an object.
  7. Note: Two guards are removed after each round.
  8. Play multiple rounds.
  9. In the final round, no guards are present, ensuring each team’s victory and fulfilling the promise.

2 BIBLE DISCOVERIES: Gospel & Truth - - 2 Kings 5:1-16

“Boys & girls, listen carefully. Can you uncover today’s powerful Bible Discovery? Ready?”
(2 Kings 5:1)
Boys and girls, today we are going to learn about an important commander of a big army and how a little servant girl helped this important commander. This takes place around 894 B. C. . Naaman, was a valiant and honorable commander in the Syrian army. All of the great things said about Naaman, did not save or heal him, he was a leper. Despite his courage, Naaman faced a disease that would slowly destroy his whole body. The commander now found himself, living in pain. Naaman was going to have to make some big decisions as his body was getting weaker.

THE CHOICE:  (2 Kings 5:9)
In Naaman’s household was the little girl I told you about, that would change his life forever, and we don’t even know her name. She waited upon Naaman’s wife. She was an Israelite who loved God. She went to Naaman’s wife and told her of a prophet in Israel who could cure Naaman. When Naaman heard this, he went to the King of Syria guess what the King said He said GOI will even send a letter to the king of Israel telling him to help you. Naaman went on this long journey to Israel, carrying lavish gifts with the hope of buying his healing. First, he went to the king of Israel then to the prophet Elisha. Arriving at the house of Elisha the Prophet of God, Naaman stood at the door with his horses and chariots. Elisha’s message came not in person, but through a messenger: “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored, and you shall be clean” (2 Kings 5:10). Naaman was mad he had expected some grand gestures or miraculous words. He could leave mad or make a choice to follow God’s leading and do what the prophet Elisha said to do. Would his pride win and hinder his healing or would he obey God, and do something silly, like dipping in the Jordan River seven times? Children let’s shout out “OBEY GOD!!”

THE CONSEQUENCE: (2 Kings 5:15)
In Naaman’s household was a servant girl who waited upon Naaman’s wife. She was an Israeli who loved God. She went to Naaman’s wife and told her of a prophet in Israel who could cure Naaman. When Naaman heard this, he went on a journey to Israel, carrying lavish gifts with the hope of buying his healing. Arriving at the house of Elisha the Prophet of God, Naaman stood at the door with his horses and chariots. Elisha’s message came not in person, but through a messenger: “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored, and you shall be clean” (2 Kings 5:10). Naaman was very mad he had expected some grand gestures or miraculous words. He could leave mad or make a choice to follow God’s leading and do what the prophet Elisha said to do. Would his pride win and hinder his healing or would he obey God, and do something silly, like dipping in the Jordan River seven times? His servants came to him and said “My father, if the prophet had told you to do something great would you have done it? How much more when he said, “Wash and be clean?”Naaman said “YES” to God. He went to the Jorden River and stepped then he went down into the water children let’s count as I moved my hand up and down. 1, 2,3,4,5,6, and 7. Was he healed? Naaman looked at his skin once where there were ugly sores there was clean skin. Naaman was healed!! Obedience leads not only to his physical healing but also to his spiritual healing. His encounter with God’s power changed not only his outward condition but his heart as well. He wanted to pray to the God of Israel and not the false ones of his country. The once-proud commander learned that God’s ways are higher than our thoughts and wants and that His grace is available to all who come with humility and faith.
“Boys & girls, what did we discover about God in this Bible History? (Coaches: answers will vary.) Let’s become great discoverers by asking some fun & challenging questions. Ready?”

3 LIFE CONNECTIONS: Connecting Jesus to Every Child

(1) Bible Truth Planted in MY HEART, Growing MY ATTITUDE

POWER WORDS:  “Naaman said, Now I know that there is no God anywhere in the whole world except in Israel.” 2 Kings 5:15b  Bonus: “Truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”  Matt. 17:20b

(2) BibleTruth Rooted in MY MIND, Leading MY CHOICES


Game Questions:

  • How was the game played?
  • What parts of the game were easy for you? What parts were challenging?
  • Tell us a time when you, or you saw someone else, being brave trying to grab the rock?
  • Was it easier to be brave when the “guard” was frozen?  Why?
    Boys & girls, that sounds a lot like what we just discovered in the Bible!”

Bible Questions:

  • Circumstance: Where did the history take place, and who was there?
  • Choice: What important decision did [name] have to make?
    Was it a good choice or a bad choice, and why do you think [name] made that choice?
  • Who told Naaman’s wife about the prophet in Israel who could heal Naaman?  (The servant girl from Israel)

Life Questions:

  • Circumstance: When have you (today or in the future) been in a similar situation as [name] in the Bible history?  something important)
  • Choice: What would you do if you were in [name]’s situation? Have you ever faced a similar decision? What did you choose?
  • How did Naaman’s servants help him to obey Elisha?  (They encouraged him to do what Elisha said) (Can we be an encourager also?)
    Boys & girls, we should always make the right choice that will please God, let us tell God what is in our hearts right now.”

(3) Bible Truth Today Committed in MY SOUL, Inspiring MY ACTIONS

POWER PRAYER: Repeat After Me “Dear heavenly father I thank you that you are always there. You were with Naaman and guided him to You. As Naaman, choose to obey and follow you God. I am choosing to also follow you. When things go right, when things go wrong I will stay with you I will not walk away. I ask for strength to stand in the name of Jesus Christ Your Son and my Savior. Amen
“***Boys & girls, let’s be still and quiet, open your heart to hear God’s whisper.***”
(Coach, wait at least 14 seconds, allowing God to connect to every child)
Boys and Girls remember God always hears our prayers, God always answers our prayers in one of three ways: Yes, No, and in the Future.  We can always trust God to do what is right.

Ask the children what is their favorite worship song and then sing several worship songs with Strong & Powerful Worship Motions
(Click here for worship songs
“GameLife Strong & Powerful Worship Motions”)

Now, remember to share this truth,
practice this truth, and bring a friend back with you! Boys and girls, let’s go out as the
“Champions for Eternity” that God expects us to become!

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