The Greatest Gift
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The Greatest Gift / Matthew 1:21
Bible Truth: Jesus came to save the world, His birth is Good News!
“Are you ready for the Joy of Discovery? Unlock the One Main Truth: It’s an adventure in the Game, a revelation in the Bible, and it will transform your Life. Let’s take one step closer to becoming a Champion for Eternity!”
In the Game: “Players Were Set Free by Sharing the Good News”
In the Bible: “The Shepherd and Others Shared the Good News about Jesus’ Birth”
In Your Life: “The Birth of Jesus is Good News for All because Jesus Came to Share His Salvation with the World”
“Boys & girls, let’s play a game and have fun!“
- Set boundaries for the game area.
- Choose two players as “It.”
- Designate one player as the “Good News” deliverer.
- The “It” player chases and tags others, while players try to avoid being tagged.
- If tagged by “It,” players become “Frozen and Blinded,” standing still with hands over their eyes.
- The “Good News” Player can free others by tagging them and saying, “GOOD NEWS YOU ARE FREE!”
- Freed players can also become “Good News” deliverers.
- Restart the game, switching roles as needed.
2 BIBLE DISCOVERIES: Gospel & Truth - Matthew 1:18-25; 2:1-12; Luke 2:1-20; John 1:1-14
“Boys & girls, listen carefully. Can you uncover today’s powerful Bible Discovery? Ready?”
THE CIRCUMSTANCE: (Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-7):
(Children put your listening ears on. You need to count every time I say the word choice or chose. You can do this by keeping track with your fingers and maybe toes. At the end of our story tell me how many times I used the word choice and chose. (Teachers note if you wish you can have a student helper keep track by paper, chalkboard or if you are outside in the dirt.) The Birth of Jesus Christ was an extraordinary (amazing, wonderful) event that brought hope and salvation to the world. In the little town of Bethlehem, there lived a young couple named Mary and Joseph. They were about to be married, and their love for each other was evident to everyone around them. But, before their marriage took place an Angel of the Lord appeared to Mary and said, “Do not be afraid Mary for you have found favor with God. And behold you will conceive … and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest.” Jesus was to be no ordinary child; this child was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Mary, told Joseph this news. Joseph, a just man, faced a difficult 1. Choice to believe this strange story and trust Mary or turn away from Her.
THE CHOICE: (Matthew 1:19-24; Luke 2:8-20)
As Joseph thought and prayed about this difficult 2. choice, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, sharing that JESUS was the son of God and Joseph needed to help raise Jesus on the earth until He was grown. Joseph 3. chose to obey the Angel from God and took Mary as his wife. Just before Jesus was to be born Caesar Augustus issued a command that the whole world should be registered in the city their families came from. Since Joseph’s family a long , long time ago came from King David’s family, Joseph had to take Mary to Bethlehem. Children how do you think they got there? Raise your hand if you think by plane? Car? Last one a Donkey and walked? Those who said a donkey and walked are right. Mary road a donkey and Joseph walked beside her. It was a long journey and Mary was very tired. Shout if you remember the name of the city! Bethlehem!! You are right. Mary and Joseph were so very tired when they arrived in Bethlehem, and found the city very crowded. There were people everywhere because of Cesar’s orders. They couldn’t find any rooms to rent. However, a kind person came forward, and said they could use his stable and manger. Boys and girls that is where the “Son of God” was born, not in a palace, but where animals lived.
In the fields near Bethlehem, shepherds were keeping watch over their sheep. Suddenly, an angel appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord showed around them. They were terrified, but the angel brought them good news about the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, the Savior, (rescuer, protector, redeemer) Christ the Lord. The shepherds faced a 4. choice to believe and act on this news or remain in fear.
THE CONSEQUENCE: (Matthew 2:1-12; Luke 2:13-20)
The shepherds 5. chose to believe the heavenly message. They hurried to Bethlehem and found the baby Jesus lying in a manger, just as the angel had told them. They shared the incredible news about Mary, Joseph, and baby JESUS, to all who would listen. Their 6. choice led to rejoicing and glorifying God for the miraculous birth they had witnessed. At a different time, wise men from the East followed the star that led them to the infant Jesus. Herod, upon hearing of Jesus’ birth, made a sinister 7. choice to seek Him out to destroy Him. But the wise men warned in a dream, 8. chose not to return to Herod. Their 9. choice ensured Jesus’ safety.
Just as Joseph, the shepherds, and the wise men faced 10. choices in the midst of challenging circumstances, our 11. choices can affect our lives. Choosing faith and obedience to God’s guidance can bring hope, joy, and salvation into our lives. In the end, the birth of Jesus brought hope, joy, and salvation to all who believed. The circumstances were challenging, and 12. choices had to be made. Joseph 13. chose obedience, the shepherds 14. chose faith and the wise men 15. chose to protect the newborn King. These 16. Choices led to positive consequences, paving the way for God’s ultimate plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. How many times was the word choice, or chose, used? Raise your hand if you thought it was 6 – 8 – 11 – 16. That’s right 16 times. We have to make many choices all day; let’s make choices that follow God’s direction.
“Boys & girls, what did we discover about God in this Bible History? (Coaches: answers will vary.) Let’s become great discoverers by asking some fun & challenging questions. Ready?”
3 LIFE CONNECTIONS: Connecting Jesus to Every Child
(1) Bible Truth Planted in MY HEART, Growing MY ATTITUDE
POWER WORDS: “She will give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus because He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21
(2) Bible Truth Rooted in MY MIND, Leading MY CHOICES
Game Questions:
- How was the game played?
- What parts of the game were easy for you? What parts were challenging?
- Compare how it felt when you were set free in the game to being set free from your sins.
“Boys & girls, that sounds a lot like what we just discovered in the Bible!”
Bible Questions:
- Circumstance: Where did the history take place, and who was there?
- Choice: What important decision did [name] have to make?
Was it a good choice or a bad choice, and why do you think [name] made that choice? - What choices did Joseph, the shepherds, and the wise men make in response to the news of Jesus’ birth? (They choose to believe in God)
Life Questions:
- Circumstance: When have you (today or in the future) been in a similar situation as [name] in the Bible history?
- Choice: What would you do if you were in [name]’s situation? Have you ever faced a similar decision? What did you choose?
- How can you share the news of Jesus with your friends and family? Ask my friends to come to church, pray for them, etc.
“Boys & girls, we should always make the right choice that will please God, let us tell God what is in our hearts right now.”
(3) Bible Truth Today Committed in MY SOUL, Inspiring MY ACTIONS
POWER PRAYER: Repeat After Me “Dear Jesus, Thank, you for sending your son Jesus to come save us from our sins. Jesus came to save me. Jesus was born to save me and to set me free from sin, if I repent and ask Jesus to forgive me, this is Good News!
“***Boys & girls, let’s be still and quiet, open your heart to hear God’s whisper.***”
(Coach, wait at least 14 seconds, allowing God to connect to every child)
Holy Spirit lead me and give me wisdom in sharing your love with others. Amen
Ask the children what is their favorite worship song and then sing several worship songs with Strong & Powerful Worship Motions
(Click here for worship songs
“GameLife Strong & Powerful Worship Motions”)
Now, remember to share this truth,
practice this truth, and bring a friend back with you! Boys and girls, let’s go out as the
“Champions for Eternity” that God expects us to become!