Prepare the Way for Jesus
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Prepare the Way for Jesus / Luke 3:1-20
Bible Truth: God’s word promised that one, John the Baptist,
“Are you ready for the Joy of Discovery? Unlock the One Main Truth: It’s an adventure in the Game, a revelation in the Bible, and it will transform your Life. Let’s take one step closer to becoming a Champion for Eternity!”
In the Game: “One Player went before you in the Race”
In the Bible: “John the Baptist went before Jesus”
In your Life: “God’s Word Promised One Would Prepare the Way for Jesus”
1 GAME EXPERIENCE: Baton Relay Race
“Boys & girls, let’s play a game and have fun!“
- Divide players into two to four equal teams depending on number of players.
- Set up a cone or any marker for the starting line, and a cone or any marker for a runner to run to then turn around and run back to the starting line to hand off the baton to the next player.
- Give the first player of each team a baton (this can be an item that can be easily passed from player to player like a small stick or sock). Have the first player run the first lap, then pass the baton to the next player and sit down until the game is finished.
- Important: The next player can’t go until they have the baton in their hand.
- Which ever team finishes first is the winner.
2 BIBLE DISCOVERIES: Gospel & Truth - Luke 3:1-20
“Boys & girls, listen carefully. Can you uncover today’s powerful Bible Discovery? Ready?”
Children, do you remember John the Baptist? We are going to show you how John grew from a baby to a man of God. You need to take your hands and place them near the ground. When we say John was a baby and he grew, let’s move our hands slowly up, John grew more and more until he became a full-grown man, raise your hand up and up over your heads. Today we are going to learn more about him now that he has grown up. Are you ready? In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod King of Galilee. Annas and Caiaphas were the high priests during this evil time when the word of God word came to John in the wilderness. John traveled throughout the land, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. As Isaiah foretold, John prepared the way for the Lord, making paths straight, so that everyone might see God’s salvation and be ready for Jesus Christ God’s Son to come.
THE CHOICE: (Luke 3:7-14)
In the wilderness, many different people gathered around John the Baptist, seeking to hear from God. John’s voice echoed sternly, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from wrath to come?” He urged them to show their repentance by helping others, not relying on important family names. The crowd inquired, “What shall we do?” John answered with love, prompting the people to search their hearts for truthful answers, about how they are living. To those with extra clothing, and food, he said, “Share.” Tax collectors questioned, and John advised them to be honest and not to steal from the people. Soldiers, too, sought wisdom; John told them not to take
extra money from the people and to be content with their wages. Through these choices, John directed people’s hearts toward right living and loving God.
THE CONSEQUENCE: (Luke 3:15-20)
Excitement grew as people wondered if John was the Christ. John humbly declared his unworthiness, announcing the coming of one mightier than himself, who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. Children, do you know who that was? Jesus!! I can’t hear you say it again JESUS!!! He likened this to separating the wheat from the chaff, with the wheat gathered into the barn, and the chaff burned. John taught the people how to Love each other and serve God. Despite John’s good teaching, King Herod imprisoned John because John told King Herod to stop sinning. Can you imagine John standing before the King, and telling him to stop sinning! John obeyed God not being fearful of what the King might do to him. The consequence of standing up and speaking the truth was prison. John stayed true to God and obeyed Him. Did you know what John the Baptist said about Jesus, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29b) John also said “Jesus must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30) John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus! Children in our life there are many choices for us to make just like John the Baptist made his choice to follow God. Our actions show what is in our hearts. Repentance (regret, sorrow) leads us to God’s salvation through Jesus Christ.
“Boys & girls, what did we discover about God in this Bible History? (Coaches: answers will vary.) Let’s become great discoverers by asking some fun & challenging questions. Ready?”
3 LIFE CONNECTIONS: Connecting Jesus to Every Child
(1) Bible Truth Planted in MY HEART, Growing MY ATTITUDE
POWER WORDS: “Repent for the kingdom of God is near.” Matthew 3:1b
(2) Bible Truth Rooted in MY MIND, Leading MY CHOICES
Game Questions:
- In the Baton Relay Race, why is it crucial for the next player to have the baton before running? (Hint: Think about how this relates to preparation.)
- How does the relay race symbolize the idea of preparing the way for someone else, similar to what John the Baptist did for Jesus in the Bible?
- What can we learn from the relay race about teamwork and passing on responsibilities, just as John prepared the way for Jesus?
“Boys & girls, that sounds a lot like what we just discovered in the Bible!”
Bible Questions
- Why did God’s word come to John in the wilderness? (Hint: Connect this to the idea of preparation.)
- What specific actions did John encourage people to take in response to his message of repentance? (Hint: Think about the choices he suggested.)
- How does John’s baptism relate to the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire mentioned in the passage?
Life Questions:
- What can you do to help Jesus to work in your heart?
- Think about a time when you needed to make a choice that aligned with repentance and bearing good fruits. What was the outcome?
- Think about how teamwork and passing the baton in the relay race showed the importance of supporting and helping one another in our faith journey. How can you apply this lesson to your daily life?
“Boys & girls, we should always make the right choice that will please God, let us tell God what is in our hearts right now.”
(3) Bible Truth Today Committed in MY SOUL, Inspiring MY ACTIONS
POWER PRAYER: Repeat After Me
“God thank you for sending John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus. God, how can I be prepared for Jesus to return?
“***Boys & girls, let’s be still and quiet, open your heart to hear God’s whisper.***”
(Coach, wait at least 14 seconds, allowing God to connect to every child)
Jesus, help me be prepared for your return and to help others be prepared too.”
Ask the children what is their favorite worship song and then sing several worship songs with Strong & Powerful Worship Motions
(Click here for worship songs
“GameLife Strong & Powerful Worship Motions”)
Now, remember to share this truth,
practice this truth, and bring a friend back with you! Boys and girls, let’s go out as the
“Champions for Eternity” that God expects us to become!