GameLife 1-2-3
trains the way Jesus trained, using everyday life lessons that give learners an ‘A-ha! moment’

1. Game experience
Boys and girls have fun while playing a game that illustrates a Bible truth.
In the game “Red Light, Green Light” if children continue to move after “red light” is called, they experience the truth.
When a rule is broken, the child must:
Stop, turn around, go back to the start and do it the right way.

2. Bible discoveries
Children have fun discovering the truth from Bible passages and memory verses.
In the Bible, when one displeases God he/she should:
Stop, turn around, go back to the start and do it the right way.
“So turn away from your sins. Turn to God. Then your sins will be wiped away. The time will come when the Lord will make everything new.” Acts 3:19

3. Life connections
Children gather in small circles to discuss the truth and how to apply it in their own lives. They also have time for personal prayers and pledges.
In my life, when I sin I should:
Stop, turn around, go back to the start and do it the right way.
Pray with the children: “God, show me how I have broken your rules (pause and listen as God personally stirs each child’s heart). Jesus, help me turn away from sin and follow your ways.”
The GameLife story
“Greetings from Excel Ministries! We were really blessed by your session at Bethel Church. The children really enjoyed your sessions, and many were led to make new decisions. We want to thank you from the depths of our hearts for your passion and commitment to children. We pray that God may continue to bless you.” [we often use stock photos for safety]
“We taught our children to share the Gospel with the Creation-to-Christ hand motions. They became evangelists, telling everyone the Gospel through the simple hand motions. They even told their teachers at school. I was asked to come to school – I thought ‘oh no – am I in trouble?’ – the teachers wanted me to train them how to use the Creation-to-Christ hand motions!”
“A few months ago, I went to a conference where GameLife 1-2-3 was introduced. I immediately began implementing it into the basketball league that I run. I only have access to 10-15 lessons. Are there more? I love the concept and want to continue to utilize it, but wanted to know if you had more lessons created. Thanks for your help!” (Yes, there are now 200 + GameLife lessons to date.) [we often use stock photos for safety]
Training Champions for Eternity
GameLife 1-2-3 trains Champions for Eternity
for both the now generation and the next generation.
We start by inspiring lives, which leads to multiplying churches,
and ultimately, transforming communities.
Join our family as a game-changer as we aim to reach
2 billion children annually and help fulfill Christ’s Great Commission.