Lost and Found
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Lost and Found/Luke 15:11-32
Bible Truth: God Looks at the heart
“Are you ready for the Joy of Discovery? Unlock the Bible Truth: It’s an adventure in the Game, a revelation in the Bible, and it will transform your Life. Let’s take one step closer to becoming a Champion for Eternity!”
In the Game: “The teams were happy when a player made it home”
In the Bible: “The father was happy when the son came home”
In Your Life: “In Life God is happy when a sinner comes home”
“Boys & girls, let’s play a game and have fun!“
- Split into two teams and stand facing each other, forming two lines about 10 meters apart.
- Place an item (the “rock”) in the center between the two teams. This could be a ball, a cone, or any small object.
- Assign a number to each player on one team and have their counterpart on the other team stand directly across from them.
- The game leader will call out a number. The players with that number from each team run to the center, grab the ‘bacon,’ and try to return to their side without being tagged by the opponent.
- If a player gets tagged before reaching their side, the opposing team earns a point.
- Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all numbers have been called.
- Round 2. Boys and girls in round two there is a “guard” by the Rock. If the guard tags you, you are out.
- Round 3. This time there is a helper that can “freeze the guard” you can go and grab the rock without fear.
2 BIBLE DISCOVERIES: Gospel & Truth - Luke 15:11-32
“Boys & girls, listen carefully. Can you uncover today’s powerful Bible Discovery? Ready?”
THE CIRCUMSTANCE (Luke:15:11-12)
It is wonderful to see you here today. Raise your hands if you have a brother or sister. Today we are going to learn about two brothers the choices they made, and how it affected the entire family. This story is called the “Prodigal Son”. Do you wonder what the word Prodigal means? Would anyone like to guess? Allow a few children to guess. Those were good choices. Prodigal means to spend a lot of money wasteful on things you don’t need. In today’s bible story, we are
going to learn that is exactly what the youngest son did.
THE CHOICE: (Luke 15:13-21)
A lot of people came to Jesus wanting to hear God’s message. This is one of the parables Jesus taught them; a certain man had two sons, and the younger said, “Father give me my share of the inheritance”. The father usually leaves the inheritance money to his children after he dies. But, the younger son wanted it NOW! The father did as his younger son asked, and gave him his portion of the inheritance money. The younger son took his share of the money, and left home to a distant country to have some fun! He wanted to be grown up and spend all of his money how he wanted to, with no one to tell him what to do. Children, did he make a good choice or a bad choice? Let’s all shout, “Bad choice, bad choice”! The younger son left his father who loved him, and his good home. Do you think this made his father sad? Yes. Boys and girls put your hand into a fist by your eyes and make it go down like tears. I am sure the father cried many tears. The young man had a good time spending all his money on expensive items and wild parties for his friends. “he thought they were his friends.” He didn’t care that he was breaking his father’s heart and was displeasing God the Father. Let’s all shout, “Bad choice, bad choice”! Soon, his money was gone and all of his pretend friends left him alone. In the country he was living in, there was a famine and he was starving, because there wasn’t enough food for everyone to eat. He suffered from hunger and a place to sleep. The only job he could find was feeding pigs. He was so hungry he tried to eat the food the pigs were eating. Finally, he realized his mistake. Let’s all shout, “Good choice, good choice”! He remembered his father’s hired hands, were better off than he was because they had a warm place to sleep and food to eat. He would go to his father’s home, and say to his father “I have sinned against God and against you”.
In our story, the younger son made many bad choices. What should he have done? 1. Stop, 2. Turn Around, 3. Go Back, 4. Start Over and do it the Right Way. Was the younger son’s last choice a good one? YES!
THE CONSEQUENCE: (Luke 15:22-32)
It took the son many days to get home. He was dirty, hungry, and sad over the pain his bad choices caused his family. As he was walking up the road to his home, he could see someone far away looking towards him. The person started to run towards him. As the person got closer he realized it was his father, and he was shouting,” My son! My son! You have come home. His father threw his arms of love around him. The son quickly said, “Father I have sinned against God and you. I don’t deserve to be called your son.” The son wanted to continue his apology, but the father said to his servants “Bring slippers, a ring, and a coat for my son to wear. Kill the fatted calf and let’s have a party, my son who was lost is found.” Such is the love of a father! Remember I said this story was about two sons. What happened to the older son? He stayed and worked hard, and did everything his father asked of him, but hidden inside of his heart was a hardness against his younger brother. He was jealous of his younger brother because he thought his younger brother was having all the fun, while he stayed and worked. A little while later the older son came in from working in the fields and heard music and laughter. He called to one of the servants and asked what was going on. “Your brother who was lost has come home and your father is having a party for his return.” Remember the older brother had bad feelings towards his younger brother for leaving. Now the older brother had to make a choice to keep his bad feelings or forgive his brother. He decided to stay outside. Let’s all shout, “Bad choice, bad choice”! The father heard his older son was upset and refused to join the party. He loved his son as much as the younger one so he went to talk with him. His older son said, “I have been working for you all these years, and I’ve never disobeyed you, and you never gave a party for me. My younger brother has come home after wasting your money, and you give him a party. Children, does that sound like jealousy? Let’s shout repent, repent. “1. Stop, 2. Turn Around, 3. Go Back, 4. Start over and do it the Right Way. His father told him “You are always with me, and everything I have is yours. Come let us celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was lost, and now he is found.” God is our Heavenly Father and He loves all His children. He never gives up on us, just like the father in our bible story. He loves us even when we make wrong choices, wasting our lives on things that bring us temporary pleasure like the “Prodigal Son”. In this parable Jesus taught us when we make a bad choice and repent, he will always forgive us. He will accept us with open arms! Praise God!
“Boys & girls, what did we discover about God in this Bible History? (Coaches: answers will vary.) Let’s become great discoverers by asking some fun & challenging questions. Ready?”
3 LIFE CONNECTIONS: Connecting Jesus to Every Child
(1) Bible Truth Planted in MY HEART, Growing MY ATTITUDE
POWER WORDS: “For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” (Luke. 15:24).
(2) Bible Truth Rooted in MY MIND, Leading MY CHOICES
Game Questions
- How was the game played?
- What parts of the game were easy for you? What parts were challenging?
- When your team won a point, what did you do? Is that like our bible story did the father rejoice when his son came home?
“Boys & girls, that sounds a lot like what we just discovered in the Bible!”
Bible Questions:
- Circumstance: Where did the history take place, and who was there?
- Choice: What important decision did [name] have to make?
Was it a good choice or a bad choice, and why do you think [name] made that choice? - How did the father feel when the son came back home? What did he do?
Life Questions:
- Circumstance: When have you (today or in the future) been in a similar situation as[name] in the Bible history?
- Choice: What would you do if you were in [name]’s situation? Have you ever faced a similar decision? What did you choose?
- What did the son discover? What have you discovered about this lesson?
“Boys & girls, we should always make the right choice that will please God, let us tell God what is in our hearts right now.”
(3) Bible Truth Today Committed in MY SOUL, Inspiring MY ACTIONS
POWER PRAYER: Repeat After Me: Dear Jesus, Thank, you for loving me. Help me to learn, if I make a bad choice to repent. Thank you for accepting me back with arms wide open full of love.
“***Boys & girls, let’s be still and quiet, open your heart to hear God’s whisper.***”
(Coach, wait at least 14 seconds, allowing God to connect to every child)
Help me to remember that I am not alone and I can come to you with my needs and problems. Amen.
Ask the children what is their favorite worship song and then sing several worship songs with Strong & Powerful Worship Motions
(Click here for worship songs
“GameLife Strong & Powerful Worship Motions”)
Now, remember to share this truth,
practice this truth, and bring a friend back with you! Boys and girls, let’s go out as the
“Champions for Eternity” that God expects us to become!