How We Train Champions for Eternity - Creative Evangelism -
God gave the Vision for the “Creation to Christ Hand Motions” while we were in an orphanage in Russia
Creation to Christ Hand Motions
Fast & Pray for Gospel Training & Sharing
Spark a Gospel Training & Sharing Movement
Share the Gospel Training & Sharing Movement
A “Zero Resource” Gospel Training and Sharing Method Anyone can Use
Anyone: Children, Youth & even Adults
Any Language & Any Country!!
Every Believer a Witness!!
A Lifestyle of Prayer
Evangelism and Discipleship!!
Creation to Christ Hand Motions Videos
Can Every Believer be a Witness & Share the Gospel with Confidence?
Training is the Difference!!
“I never really knew how to share the simple Gospel for the first 25 years of my Christian walk. I shared a tract several times yet it was not until I was trained to pray and trust Christ to *speak through the simple Gospel everything changed! (*John 3:16, Galatians 2:20, John 15:5)”
Once I was trained I no longer had to rely on a printed tool or the need for paper and pencil. I could share one-on-one or I could share with over 1,000 at a time! Not only could I share the Gospel with confidence God revealed the “Creation to Christ Hand Motions” are universal among all nations and all languages!
Not only did I want to share my faith with everyone, I now also knew how to train others to share their faith as well. I was becoming a prayer dependent, faith sharer, and disciple-maker!”
A Lifestyle of Prayer
Evangelism and Discipleship!!
What if Faith in Christ Jesus
was Celebrated with Tremendous Joy & Enthusiasm?
“On Earth as in Heaven”
International Ministries
Using the
“Creation to Christ Hand Motions”
Prayer Covenant
Mission India
and others…
More gospel ideas
Teens Train Children to Share with Children!!!
1st “The Training Challenge” (can you do this?)
2nd “The Sharing Challenge” (go share today!)
The Gospel
“Selfie Challenge”
- Pray for God’s Favor
- Ask if you can take a “Selfie” with individuals you meet.
- Two Options: 1. Ask them to do just one of the Hand Motions, or 2. Ask them to participate in the Challenge and take selfies with all Hand Motions (go fast) see below.
- As the Lord leads share the Gospel with your new friends and hopefully your new brothers and sisters in Christ [Adult’s might read this and ask “Selfie Evangelism?” Youth and young at heart – you understand].
- Youth gatherings have contests to see who can “Post the Most Selfies” in a day, or “Tweet your Selfie and see who can get the most “Retweets.”
Training & Practicing Creation to Christ Hand Motions
Russia / Siberia
Zero Resources
Undisclosed locations where the Gospel is NOT welcome:
no books to be checked through inspections,
nor any boxes of books to ship through customs.
No Cost! Zero!
Biblically Accurate & Creative
“Creation to Christ Hand Motions”
Leadership Team
The same Ministry Leadership Team
that was a part of the birth of
the “Kids Games” Movement
Trained youth can immediately begin
sharing the Gospel and training children
to share the Gospel
Adults Sharing the Gospel with
Hand Motions
Adults start a bit slower than the younger generations. Once adults walk through the motions they quickly realize they are telling a story – the story of “Creation to Christ” with simple hand motions to help tell the story. “Oh, this is fun, oh this is good!”
The Gospel in Schools?
“Experiential Learning”
learning through experiences.
Reaching the Nations
In the beginning, God created a perfect world…
Sin broke
God’s perfect world…
Sin earns a penalty,
the death penalty…
But God loves us so much that God sent his son Jesus to die for our sins…
Jesus was the only perfect man, Jesus lived…
Jesus died…
Jesus was buried, and arose alive on the third day…
Boys and Girls, because Jesus paid your penalty for your sin on the Cross…
Jesus offers you a gift, the gift of eternal life in his family, Would you like to receive this gift?…
Yes! (or “Si!” in this case)
With faith Jesus forgive my sin
With faith Jesus be my Savior
Now, Go tell everyone
the Good News (the Gospel)
Now, it is time to train the child how to share the Good News (the Gospel)
After several practices together, now he is sharing from memory!
Witness to All Interactive Map
See in real time new brothers and sisters coming to know our Lord Jesus the Christ
Our training resources are free
Join us as we seek to disciple
the now generation and the next generation