Memorize the Story: “Turkey & Eagle”
(illustrates “Three Thirds Bible Discovery”)
Once an Eagle’s egg had fallen out of its nest and the egg rolled up next to a turkey’s nest on the ground. When the Momma Turkey saw what she thought was one of her eggs she rolled that eagle egg into her nest with the rest of her turkey eggs.
When all the eggs hatched the “one little bird” (the eagle) looked different than all the other birds. Momma Turkey treated all her little birds the same, teaching them to dig in the dirt for worms to eat. One day the ” one little bird” looked up in the sky and saw a beautiful Eagle soaring through the air. All the birds and even Momma Turkey surrounded the “one little bird” and said “Do not even think about it! You are a Turkey!!”
Was that “one little bird” a Turkey? Might that “one little bird” have felt like a Turkey? Why?
The Father Eagle in the sky swooped down and rescued the “one little bird” and began to train it, all about being an Eagle and soaring!
The “one little bird” does not have to “try” to be an Eagle, it is already an Eagle! It simply needs to reckon it so and soar!
Important: The Father Eagle trained the little eagle using a 3 Step Process
Experience: Father Eagle trained the little bird by playing flying games letting the little bird experience flying, not just hearing about flying (it would be so silly to talk about flying, yet never actually flying).
Discovery: While flying the little bird personally discovered about wind currents.
Connection: The little bird grew and grew and invested the rest of its life
* searching for lost eagles, and
* teaching little eagles to soar!
Story: Turkey & Eagle / True Identity in Christ & 3 Step GameLife Training
Christians often fail to step into the calling God has for their life because they think they are a “Turkey” rather than an “Eagle.” God’s word states clearly that we are new creations in Christ and Christ has exchanged his life for our life. (Galatians 2:20, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21).
Christian leaders often do not take great steps of faith because they have forgotten they are “Eagles” and forgotten that God will catch them when they take great steps of faith as God is calling them to soar and God is waiting for leaders to take great steps of faith. (Isaiah 40:31).
Christian, you are an “Eagle!” Never live your life like a “Turkey” (Galatians 5).
You do not have to “try” to be a Christian, you already are a Christian! Christian, simply reckon it so and soar!
Important: This story explains our GameLife 3 Step Training Process. GameLife 1-2-3 teaches “One Main Truth” from the Bible in 3 child friendly learning styles:
Experience: 1 Game Experience – Children Experience the Bible Truth in an Experiential Game
Discovery: 2 Bible Discoveries – Children Discover the Bible Truth from the Bible
Connection: 3 Life Connections – Children Connect the Bible Truth to their Life
1 Game Experience
Children experience God’s truth. Experiential Games allow children to experience God’s truth (children are not just hearing about life. It would be so silly to talk about life, yet never actually experiencing life).
2 Bible Discoveries
Children personally discover God’s truth from the Bible. First the Gospel, and then the Bible passage for today’s lesson.
3 Life Connections
Children connect God’s truth to life. Children practice what applying this truth to their life would look like, children pray asking for Jesus to live this truth through their lives, and children celebrate in worship and praise.
The Bible says it best: