The Disciple Questions
- Why? Who? What? When & How? Where?
Why Don’t Christians Make Disciples?
Our mission discovered in decades of service in almost every culture most Christians do not make disciples nor do they openly share their faith in Jesus. Most go to church, keep their faith personal, and possibly invite a neighbor to a Christmas service.
The Answer is Not Disobedience
Most Christians are aware of the Basics: “Love God” and “Love Your Neighbor.” Yet, few understand their role in the Great Commission commanded by Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20 “…Go and Make Disciples of All Nations…”
Christians Would Make Disciples
If They Knew the Answer to Basic Questions
- Why Make Disciples — You are Jesus’ Plan – Who, Me?
- Who Would We Share With?
- What Would We Say?
- When Would We Do This?
- Where Would We Do This?
Christ has called all who follow Him to love God, love others, and to make disciples who make more disciples—in every nation. Discipleship training helps launch believers into this full and joyful life and eliminates the excuses that many Christians have for not sharing the gospel or discipling those we lead to faith. The two most common excuses are: “I am not called” and “I have not been trained”. Whether in ministry or in the marketplace, we are all called to love God, love others, and make disciples. This training will challenge you to put into practice the tools you receive.
Listening, hearing, obeying and passing on to others what you hear from God is essential to making disciples. A children’s discipleship group uses the same 3-part process to make disciples that adult discipleship groups use (sorry adults, games are for the children :-)).
1 Game Experience:
The first part is a Game experience (our GameLife children’s discipleship) and “check in” (how are you doing?) and “check up” (accountability).
2 Bible Discoveries:
The second part is a Bible Discovery with everyone participating.