Note the Disciple Training format above for children
When? & How to Make Disciples?
Notice what is similar:
Accountability: High Expectations and Specific Accountability
Bible Discovery
Life Application
Practice of Life Application
Notice what is different:
Game Experience. The game experience helps children tangibly experience and in a “role model” method “experience” the truth of the Bible passage. Play is a natural way to engage with other children (adults may sip tea or coffee and chat, children play to engage with one another).
Lord’s Prayer. To learn to pray. (Not merely rotely repeating the word, but learning the principles of “asking for our daily needs,” “forgiving others,” “praying God’s will & kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.”
The Gospel is shared and practiced every week. The method of using the whole body to share the Gospel in the “Creation to Christ Hand Motions” is very engaging for the children and they love to learn the motions (like a challenge they want to learn) then they can share the Gospel anywhere and anytime without having to have paper, pen, or even knowing how to spell.
More direct question guiding children to discover God’s truth. The adults use open ended questions (with many possible answers and applications).
Scripture Memory Verse. We call this “Power Words.” Each lesson has a specific memory verse that helps summarize the one main truth of the passage.
Worship is at the end rather than the beginning. Playing games at the beginning helps children “burn off extra energy” and after discovering God’s truth now have something powerful to worship and praise God.
Each lesson has a specific game, a specific set of questions, and a specific memory verse. There are over 104 lessons (over two-years of weekly curriculum) freely available by email and online in almost every language:
21 Bible Overview Lessons
5 Gospel Evangelism Lessons
9 Discipleship Lessons
72 Book of Mark Lessons
The Disciple Training format above for children and below for adults
Similar on the Major Principles
Different for a Child’s Developmental Stage
(more repetition and more concrete life application)