Leading 2 Bible Discoveries (#1 Bible Discovery is the Gospel)
[See one of the GameLife 1-2-3 lessons at the end of this training guide as you read through these steps and principles for training children.]
2 Bible Discoveries
The first Bible history is God’s history or the Gospel.
The second Bible history is the Bible history or passage for that day.
Why use the term “history” and not just say story? Children hear stories all the time: “Once upon a time…” or “Spiderman, Spiderman does whatever a spider can…”
Teach children the difference between a fictional story and true history.
Fictional Story: not true, fiction, made up.
History or Bible Story: true, factual, real events recorded in history
Important: This becomes even more important if you are using “StoryLife 1-2-3.” You must clearly define what is a fictional story and what is true history – the Bible. (StoryLife is a version of GameLife 1-2-3 where a story is substituted for the game – use in locations where there is no space for games). -
Teach and remind the children often the Bible is History. Go to any map of the world and find the nation of Israel. The Bible records the history of the start of the nation Israel and the ongoing history of Israel and its kings.
Discovery 1. Discover God’s Love for All Eternity: Creation to Christ Hand Motions
To share the Gospel with children we:
Share the Gospel using the Creation to Christ Hand Motions, then
Train the children how to share the Gospel using the Creation to Christ Hand Motions.
Why Creation to Christ Hand Motions? Full body experience is fun and easy for children to remember, children have fun trying to memorize the motions, for the children this is a fun challenge, and most important there are no resources required so the children (and everyone else trained) have this tool with them for the rest of their lives!
Have a different child lead the Creation to Christ (Gospel) presentation each time.
Gospel Instructions: Creation to Christ Hand Motions
Have Players stand up and invite a new Player(s) each week to help share the hand motions as you say the phrases below. To help you remember the flow, just ask yourself, “What happened next?” For example, after a “Perfect World” (“What happened next?”) [Oh, that’s right] “Sin Broke God’s Perfect World”, (“What happened next?”) “The Penalty for Sin is Death” and so on. You will be surprised at how quickly you and the Players remember the hand motions and phrases.
In the beginning God created a perfect world.
Sin broke God’s perfect world.
The penalty for sin is death. (look up “God loves us and sent Jesus”)
God’s Son Jesus’ sacrifice paid sin’s penalty.
Jesus was the only perfect man.
Jesus died.
Jesus was buried.
Jesus rose from death to life.
Because Jesus died for your sins.
Jesus now offers you the gift of eternal life.
Would you like this gift?
With faith ask Jesus to forgive your sins, with faith ask Jesus to be your Savior.
Invite Players to respond in prayer:“God, thank you for loving me. / I have sinned against you. / I ask forgiveness for my sins. / I know I cannot remove my sins. / Thank you for sending Jesus. / I believe Jesus died on a cross to pay for my sins. / I believe that You raised Jesus from the dead. / Jesus be my Savior. / Jesus forgive me and save me from my sins. / I confess Jesus as my Lord. / Jesus be my life. / Thank you for your gift of eternal life. / I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.”
Go tell everyone this good news!!!
Video: #CreationToChristHandMotions
In English
In Spanish
Create your language video and upload to YouTube.com and then share with us at Trainer@GameLife123.com
Prayer Instructions: Lord’s Prayer
Please do not just say the words of the Lord’s Prayer. Each week take one principle and teach the children about the principle of prayer. Example praying for “daily bread” is not just praying about food, it is yes praying for our food, but also our daily needs, the needs the child may have. Teach children God does not always answer, “yes” to our prayers. Even a good parent says “no” to a request for candy before a meal. God always answers prayer, the answer may be “yes,” the answer maybe “no,” or the answer may be “wait.” Teach children God knows what is best for our lives (sad, but it is important to also teach children that sin is in the world and bad things happen that God never designed to be in our world, like people dying from illness).
Explain principles in the Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:9-13
Thank God that we are in His family, Matthew 6:9.
Honor God’s name in attitude and action (God’s name is now part of our name “Christian”), Matthew 6:10.
Pray for God’s will, Matthew 6:10.
Ask God for your daily needs, Matthew 6:11.
Ask forgiveness and forgive others, Matthew 6:12.
Seek God’s guidance away from evil, Matthew 6:13.
Praise God for the eternal kingdom that has all power and all authority. Matthew 6:13.
Have a different child lead the Lord’s Prayer each week