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Training Champions for Eternity!
A child-friendly way of saying making disciples of all nations.  
Matthew 28:18-20


Can Children’s Ministry Make Disciples and even Plant Churches?  Yes!!!

Testimony: Colombia, South America


This village in a remote area did not have a church nearby.  By God’s grace our trainers implemented the GameLife 1-2-3 Strategy: Reach a Child to Engage a Family to Plant a Church!!!


1. In the Video at 5 seconds to 8 seconds:  Reach a Child — see the children playing the GameLife 1-2-3 games on the dirt street.

2. In the Video at 10 seconds to 14 seconds:  Engage a Family — see the dads and moms in the background outside the home in a Bible Discovery for adults.

3. In the Video at 1 second till the end:  Plant a Church — see the 25+ souls that make up this new church plant!!! (how many souls did you count?)

4. In the Video at 1 second till the end: New Young Leaders Trained — see the youth and young adults being trained to share the Gospel.

Three Generations are Being Reached at the Same Time


1. Current Generation: Adults and families gathering as a church, a new body of Christ, in the remote village without a nearby church.

2. Next Generation: Youth and new young leaders leading GameLife 1-2-3.  The ministry is simple by design — it is a non-threatening entry-level leadership-experience.  By God’s grace this will be the Next Generation of Disciple Makers and Church Planters.

3. Future Generation: Children are learning the Bible through experiential Games.  By God’s grace this will be the Future Generation of Disciple Makers and Church Planters.



Please Read – Reflect – Be Inspired!


Billions of Souls

  • There are around 8 billion of souls on earth.  1 out of 4 of those souls is under the age of 14. 

  • Upwards of 70% of Christians came to faith in Christ Jesus under the age of 14.

  • Children under the age of 14 are the most receptive to hear about and respond positively to the grace freely offered by Jesus. 


Many Bible Passages

  • Deuteronomy 6 (verses 5-7), Proverbs 22:6, 2 Timothy 3:14-15, 2 Timothy 1:5.


One Language

  • Children have one common language across all cultures and every continent — games.  Children love playing games.

  • GameLife 1-2-3 uses “experiential-games” to teach life-lessons from the Bible.  Games for Life.  GameLife.  This is commonly called “experiential-learning” or “experiential-education.”  

  • It is simply the way Jesus taught “…With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable shall we use for it? It is like a grain of mustard seed…” from Mark 4:30-32.  

    • Jesus went from the easy to understand truth “seeds” to teach the new truth “Kingdom of God”

    • GameLife starts with an easy to understand truth in a “Game” to teach children the new truth about “Life”