Training Champions for Eternity!
A child-friendly way of saying making disciples of all nations.
Matthew 28:18-20
Can Children’s Ministry Make Disciples and even Plant Churches? Yes!!!
Testimony: Colombia, South America
This village in a remote area did not have a church nearby. By God’s grace our trainers implemented the GameLife 1-2-3 Strategy: Reach a Child to Engage a Family to Plant a Church!!!
1. In the Video at 5 seconds to 8 seconds: Reach a Child — see the children playing the GameLife 1-2-3 games on the dirt street.
2. In the Video at 10 seconds to 14 seconds: Engage a Family — see the dads and moms in the background outside the home in a Bible Discovery for adults.
3. In the Video at 1 second till the end: Plant a Church — see the 25+ souls that make up this new church plant!!! (how many souls did you count?)
4. In the Video at 1 second till the end: New Young Leaders Trained — see the youth and young adults being trained to share the Gospel.
Three Generations are Being Reached at the Same Time
1. Current Generation: Adults and families gathering as a church, a new body of Christ, in the remote village without a nearby church.
2. Next Generation: Youth and new young leaders leading GameLife 1-2-3. The ministry is simple by design — it is a non-threatening entry-level leadership-experience. By God’s grace this will be the Next Generation of Disciple Makers and Church Planters.
3. Future Generation: Children are learning the Bible through experiential Games. By God’s grace this will be the Future Generation of Disciple Makers and Church Planters.
Please Read – Reflect – Be Inspired!
Billions of Souls
There are around 8 billion of souls on earth. 1 out of 4 of those souls is under the age of 14.
Upwards of 70% of Christians came to faith in Christ Jesus under the age of 14.
Children under the age of 14 are the most receptive to hear about and respond positively to the grace freely offered by Jesus.
Many Bible Passages
Deuteronomy 6 (verses 5-7), Proverbs 22:6, 2 Timothy 3:14-15, 2 Timothy 1:5.
One Language
Children have one common language across all cultures and every continent — games. Children love playing games.
GameLife 1-2-3 uses “experiential-games” to teach life-lessons from the Bible. Games for Life. GameLife. This is commonly called “experiential-learning” or “experiential-education.”
It is simply the way Jesus taught “…With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable shall we use for it? It is like a grain of mustard seed…” from Mark 4:30-32.
Jesus went from the easy to understand truth “seeds” to teach the new truth “Kingdom of God”
GameLife starts with an easy to understand truth in a “Game” to teach children the new truth about “Life”