How We Train Champions for Eternity - Bible Teaching -

Life Transforming Bible Teaching

GameLife 1-2-3

The Life Transformation Map

GameLife 1-2-3 teaches the way Jesus taught using life-experiences so learners have an “aha moment.”  GameLife 123 moves from Bible history, to Biblical Principles, and does not stop until there is true Christ-within life transformation as spoken of in Matthew 13:31.

Disciples Making Disciples

The Mango Orchard Strategy

The parable that will make you say "aha now I understand"

The Mango Orchard Strategy is a dynamic and natural way to grow the body of Christ.  Once you understand that you should never cast your seeds on cement you will experience the abundant fruit spoken of in John 15:1-11.

GameLife 1-2-3
a Life Transforming
Bible Teaching Method
This is how you teach
Teaching like Jesus


1 Game Experience

1 Game Experience

Experience God's Truth:

Boys & girls have fun while they play a game that illustrates the Bible Truth.

In the game “Red-light Green-light” if children continue to run when “Red-light” is called the children experience the truth.

In the game when the rule is broken, the child must
Stop, Turn Around Turn Back to the Start, Go Back, Do it the Correct Way

2 Bible Discoveries

2 Bible Discoveries

Discover God's Truth:

Boys & girls have fun discovering the truth from Bible passages and memory verses.

In the Bible when one displeases God he/she should
Stop, Turn Around Turn Back to the Start, Go Back, Do it the Correct Way

“So turn away from your sins. Turn to God. Then your sins will be wiped away. The time will come when the Lord will make everything new.” Acts 3:19

3 Life Opportunities

3 Life Opportunities

Live God's Truth:

Boys and girls gather into small circles for discussion and opportunities for life application and personal prayers of commitments.

In my life when I sin I should
Stop, Turn Around Turn Back to the Start, Go Back, Do it the Correct Way

Pray with the children: “God, show me the ways I have broken your rules -pause & listen- [God will personally stir each child’s heart]  Jesus help turn from sin and to turn to your ways.”

The Mango Orchard Strategy
Disciples Making Disciples
This is how you live
Living like Paul


Soil Preparer

The spiritual discipline of preparing the soil through fasting and prayer is like removing the rocks and weeds from an empty field preparing to plant a harvest. One would never plant a seed on concrete, in the same way, one should never seek to minister (plant seeds) on unprepared soil. If there is no fruit – one should go back and prepare the soil through fasting & prayer.

Inspire the Heart

Power Words

18 And Jesus came and said to them, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 

20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  Matthew 28:18-20

Story & Testimony & Warning!

“The Gold Medal” (One will be known for all eternity by what one does with the few short years on this earth. Value the short amount of time you have, John 9:4)

Testimony: Renee/Peru (Prayed and started with more leaders than children, by God’s grace soon planted new churches)

Warning! Isaiah 58 (one’s true motivations and actions do not match one’s words)

Equip the Mind

? New to GameLife ?

Check out this link to better understand the flow of a typical GameLife weekly gathering (and some essential skills to control and work with a large group of children).

Check out this link for free lesson plans that translate into over 100 languages.

GameLife ~ 1 Game Experience

Game: “Net Tag”
[The game is not over until everyone is caught in the net]

GameLife ~ 2 Bible Discoveries

Discover God’s Eternal Truth: Creation to Christ

Discover God’s Truth from this passage: Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 24:14
[In the Bible, Jesus states it is not over until everyone is caught in the net]

GameLife ~ 3 Life Opportunities

1. Heart: Ask, Children will you obey God’s truth? (an obedient heart set is vital: Daniel 1:8, 10:12, Ezra 7:10, Colossians 3:2)

2. Mind: Ask questions to lead to the “aha moment” and “now I understand”
– Game questions: (“How did you catch everyone?” “I started with … just one!”)
– Bible questions: (“How do you disciple an entire nation?” “Start with … just one!”)
That sounds just like what we discovered today in the Bible!
– Life questions: (“How do I start making disciples?” “Start with my life: prayer, speak the truth, grow in Christ through Bible study, and training others to do the same.  Remember “Mangos” Prepare, Plant, Nurture, & Multiply) 

3. Soul: Pray in the manner “Boys & girls repeat after me, God thank you for >this truth< show me how you want to obey [pause at least 10 seconds allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to each child’s heart], Jesus I yield to you live out this truth in my life, amen.”

[In my life, I can pray for all nations, I can seek to reach all nations, starting with just one]

Challenge the Soul

Challenge: #FastAndPrayMondays

Email or text a friend that you have committed to Fast & Pray (day and time, and the type of fast is between you and the Lord).

Extra Bold Challenge: Post online with the “hashtag” #FastAndPrayMondays and share your story.

Challenge: Fast & Pray

Decide on a weekly fast, #FastAndPrayMondays (Mark 9:29, Matthew 17:21)

1/2 of the time: Look at your “spheres of influence” and “new empty fields”

1/2 of the time: Listen and write down *names for additional prayer (*not yet believers = to share the Gospel, *believers = to share The Mango Orchard Strategy)

Challenge Tool: Journal

A separate notebook just for this purpose and keep with your Bible.

Have 4 sections:
1. Soil Preparer: Insights God is teaching you.
2. Seed Planter: Names to pray for
3. Growth Nurturer: Bible memory verses “Power Words”
4. Fruit Multipier: The Branches from your Mango Tree & New Mango Orchards

Seed Planter

The spiritual discipline of planting seeds, sharing the gospel, is something that many Christians have never done, and many Christian leaders have never shared the gospel with individuals in a one-on-one setting. Many have tried yet without adequate training and without preparing the soil first sharing the gospel can seem quite intimidating.

Inspire the Heart

Power Words

Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:3 & 16

10 “For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, 11 so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:10-11

Story & Testimony & Warning!

“Turkey and Eagle” (Knowing one’s true identity will determine one’s actions. Know your identity in Christ, Galatians 2:20)

Testimony: Sasha/Russia (God birthed the Creation to Christ Hand Motions at a Russian orphanage, and birthed many new lives & new churches since that day)

Warning! Rich man wanting go back and tell his brothers in Luke 16:19-31 “Why did you not tell me?”

Equip the Mind

GameLife ~ 1 Game Experience

Game: “Race with Penalty”
[The game has a penalty if the runners do not meet the standard.  The Coach pays the players’ penalty]

GameLife ~ 2 Bible Discoveries

Discover God’s Eternal Truth: Creation to Christ

Discover God’s Truth from this passage: John 3:1-16
[In the Bible, it states in Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” No one meets God’s standard of Holiness until Jesus takes our penalty upon himself]

GameLife ~ 3 Life Opportunities

1. Heart: Ask, Children will you obey God’s truth? (an obedient heart set is vital: Daniel 1:8, 10:12, Ezra 7:10, Colossians 3:2)

2. Mind: Ask questions to lead to the “aha moment” and “now I understand”
– Game questions: (“What was the penalty for not reaching the standard?” “The penalty was 10 pushups, but the Coach paid our penalty”)
That sounds just like what we discovered today in the Bible!
– Bible questions: (“Can anyone reach God’s standard of Holiness” “Only Jesus and Jesus paid my penalty”)
– Life questions: (“Have I been born into God’s family, have I received the free gift of salvation by faith?” “Yes, and now I am blessed to share this with others”)

3. Soul: Pray in the manner “Boys & girls repeat after me, God thank you for >this truth< show me how you want to obey [pause at least 10 seconds allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to each child’s heart], Jesus I yield to you live out this truth in my life, amen.”

[In my life, I can point people to Jesus, the only perfect man, God’s Son, who paid the penalty for their sins.]

Challenge the Soul

Challenge: #CreationToChristHandMotions

1. Share the Gospel with someone using the “Creation to Christ Hand Motions”
2. Train a child or teen to share the Gospel using the “Creation to Christ Hand Motions”

Review the Gospel using the “Creation to Christ Hand Motions” (scroll down this page to watch video )

Extra Bold Challenge: Post online with the “hashtag” #CreationToChristHandMotions and share your story.

Challenge: My Story & God's Story

Share “My Story”
Can I quickly share with you my story…
1. Thumbs Down. My life could have been described as… (share what you life was like without Christ: empty, sinful, lack of peace, no purpose etc..).

2. Thumbs Up. But now my life can be described as… (share what your life is like now with Christ: full of joy, full of peace, happiness, not perfect, yet forgiven, a direction and a purpose etc.…).

3. Hands Up Palms facing (making a “GAP”). The “gap between my life before and my life now is when by God’s grace, I was introduced to Jesus… Share your personal experience.

4. Important, before they say anything quickly ask “Do you have a story like that?”
“Yes” invite them to your church or weekly gathering.
“No” ask them if you can share with them God’s Creation to Christ true story from the Bible?

Growth Nurturer

The spiritual discipline of nurturing for growth takes time, in the same way a mango tree can take upwards of five years to bear fruit, often it will take years to see fruit from the life of a disciple. Making a disciple of a child or young adult takes even more time. GameLife is fun and keeps children coming back every week, month after month, and year after year!

Inspire the Heart

Power Words

16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.  2 Timothy 3:16-17

10 For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel.  Ezra 7:10

Story & Testimony & Warning!

“The Mustard Seed” (What shall I compare the Kingdom of God? It is like… Luke 13:18. Know how the Kingdom of God Grows.)

Testimony: Jefe/Cuba (“Why do you use GameLife 123?” “The children remember God’s truth because they experience and begin living out God’s truth”)

Warning! Paul himself speaks of disqualification in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (Paul’s own teaching is very clear that salvation is a gift, not something that comes as a result of strenuous effort – Ephesians 2:8–9. The prize Paul is running for is the crown of recognition from Christ that he has served well at the Bema Seat) Revelation 22:12

Equip the Mind

GameLife ~ 1 Game Experience

Game: “Target the Target”
[The game had one player that called out corrections to the blindfolded tosser]

GameLife ~ 2 Bible Discoveries

Discover God’s Eternal Truth: Creation to Christ

Discover God’s Truth from this passage: 2 Timothy 3:16, 1 Corinthians 13:12
[In the Bible, the Bible “calls out to us” when we need correction]

GameLife ~ 3 Life Opportunities

1. Heart: Ask, Children will you obey God’s truth? (an obedient heart set is vital: Daniel 1:8, 10:12, Ezra 7:10, Colossians 3:2)

2. Mind: Ask questions to lead to the “aha moment” and “now I understand”
– Game questions: (“Why was it necessary to have someone call out corrections to the blindfolded tosser?” “The blindfolded player needed help needed to make corrections”)
That sounds just like what we discovered today in the Bible!
– Bible questions: (“The Bible says we only understand spiritual truth like looking through dark glass, how can we see better?” “When we read the Bible it will correct us even though we see dimly”)
– Life questions: (“Do you read the Bible?” “Yes/No” [many children do not read the Bible pray about how you might encourage them to read the Bible and memorize the Bible.])

3. Soul: Pray in the manner “Boys & girls repeat after me, God thank you for >this truth< show me how you want to obey [pause at least 10 seconds allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to each child’s heart], Jesus I yield to you live out this truth in my life, amen.”

[In my life, I can read the Bible to find corrections and training for my life.]

Challenge the Soul

Challenge: #GameLife123

1. Start leading a new GameLife Gathering of children
2. Recruit some teens & youth and train them as the Game Leader, Bible Leader, or Boys’ Coach or Girls’ Coach

Extra Bold Challenge: Post online with the “hashtag” #GameLife123 and share your new ministry story.

Challenge: High Expectations with Specific Accountability

1. Ask someone to serve as your accountability partner (males with males and females with females)
2. Share the principle of “High Expectations with Specific Accountability”
3. Ask them to ask you these 4 questions each week: 1. Who is God encouraging you to share with from your times of fasting and prayer? 2. When was the last time you shared Christ (the Gospel) with someone one on one? 3. Are you actively engaged in weekly ministry service? 4. Who is your Paul and who is your Timothy? (who is discipling you & who are you discipling?)

? New to Training Trainers ?

Note how many times key phrases were repeated “GameLife 123, 1 Game Experience, 2 Bible Discoveries, 3 Life Opportunities” and “The Mango Orchard, Soil Preparer, Seed Planter, Growth Nurturer, Fruit Multiplier.”

Note the many ways everyone was called to engage: practice, retell the story, read, answer this question, stand up, do these hand motions with me, pray, and many more.

Fruit Multiplier

The spiritual discipline of multiplying a fruitful ministry requires intentionality and a specific strategy. Each believer is called to take the Salt & Light of Christ to their unique sphere of influence and to encourage everyone to be transformed into 1. A Soil Preparer, 2. A Seed Planter, 3. A Growth Nurturer, and now 4. A Fruit Multiplier to everyone both near and far.

Inspire the Heart

Power Words

You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, 2 and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. 3 Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4 No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him. 5 An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. 6 It is the hard-working farmer who ought to have the first share of the crops.
2 Timothy 2:1-6

 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.  Proverbs 22:6

Story & Testimony & Warning!

“The Car Factory” (The most strategic training is to train right from the start.  An often ignored command from the Bible Proverbs 22:6)

Testimony: Shirly/China (Fasted and prayed, by God’s grace, birthed a new gathering, then another, and then another, because she had a “three church mindset”)

Warning! Matthew 25:14-30 a rebuke to those that do not use what has been given to them and a blessing to those that do “23 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ “

Equip the Mind

GameLife ~ 1 Game Experience

Game: “Sharks & Minnow Reverse”
[The game has fun twist as a single little minnow transforms all the sharks into minnows]

GameLife ~ 2 Bible Discoveries

Discover God’s Eternal Truth: Creation to Christ

Discover God’s Truth from this passage: 2 Timothy 2:1-6, Revelation 5:9
[In the Bible, there is a fun twist Jesus calls us to love our enemies and to win people by training them to love God and love others]

GameLife ~ 3 Life Opportunities

1. Heart: Ask, Children will you obey God’s truth? (an obedient heart set is vital: Daniel 1:8, 10:12, Ezra 7:10, Colossians 3:2)

2. Mind: Ask questions to lead to the “aha moment” and “now I understand”
– Game questions: (“How did one little minnow transform every shark into minnows?” “Each round there were more minnows until everyone was a minnow”)
That sounds just like what we discovered today in the Bible!
– Bible questions: (“How many nations did Jesus command us to make disciples, and how are we do do that?” “All, and Revelation 5:9 states all nations will be reached, we reach all nations by training multipliers”)
– Life questions: (“Have I multiplied? Have I made a disciple?” “Yes, I showed my Christian friends the Creation to Christ Hand Motions and we are telling all our friends.”)

3. Soul: Pray in the manner “Boys & girls repeat after me, God thank you for >this truth< show me how you want to obey [pause at least 10 seconds allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to each child’s heart], Jesus I yield to you live out this truth in my life, amen.”

[In my life, Matthew 16:25 a fun twist states that if I lose my life for Christ I will then find my life.]

Challenge the Soul

Challenge: #KingdomGiftChallenge

Take a step of faith to “Discover Your Kingdom Gift to Multiply Your Kingdom Impact” by sending an email to to dj@49Mountains.Academy

Extra Bold Challenge: Post online with the “hashtag” #KingdomGiftChallenge and share your Kingdom Gift story.

Challenge: 3 Church Mindset

1. “Church One” is your church your weekly gathering
2. “Church Two” is your neighbor’s church, it is a church that God has led you to to help them develop a strong children’s ministry, not to lead the ministry for them but to help them for 3 to 6 months before moving on.
3. “Church Three” is the next church that you will help, during your weekly time of fasting & prayer ask the Lord to show you the “empty field” and the next church that you can begin helping once you finish with your neighbor’s church.
* You will notice that regardless of how many churches you move onto, you will always have a three church mindset, a church that you are attending, a church you were helping, and the church you are praying about serving and helping next.