A Brave Women
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A Brave Women / Judges 4:1-16; 23-24; 5:1-30
Bible Truth: Confidence in God Brings Courage to Face Challenges
“Are you ready for the Joy of Discovery? Unlock the One Main Truth: It’s an adventure in the Game, a revelation in the Bible, and it will transform your Life. Let’s take one step closer to becoming a Champion for Eternity!”
In the Game: “A Small Girl Helped Win the Entire Game”
In the Bible: “God Used Deborah the Judge to Win a Mighty Victory”
In Your Life: “God Might Use Males and Females to Accomplish His Will”
“Boys & girls, let’s play a game and have fun!“
- Set Boundaries: Begin by showing the players the designated area where the game will be played.
- Divide Players: If there are many players, divide them into separate groups based on age. Younger players should play in one area, while older players can play in another, ensuring safety.
- Choose “It”: Select one player to be “It.” It’s important to choose the smallest little girl to be the one who is “It.” This player will be the tagger, and their goal is to chase and touch (“tag”) other players.
- Tagging and Forming a Net: When the “It” player successfully tags another player, both players become “It.” They then hold hands, creating a “Net.” This net stretches out as more players are tagged and join the line by holding hands.
- Join the Net: Each time a new player is tagged, they join the line of players holding hands, extending the “Net.”
- Capture Everyone: The game continues until all players are caught in the “Net.” The goal is for the “Net” to capture every player.
- Multiple Rounds: If time allows, continue playing additional rounds. In each round, choose a different small girl to be the first player who is “It.”
2 BIBLE DISCOVERIES: Gospel & Truth - Judges 4:1-16; 23-24; 5:1-15
“Boys & girls, listen carefully. Can you uncover today’s powerful Bible Discovery? Ready?”
THE CIRCUMSTANCE: (Judges 4:1-3)
Many, many years after God gave the Israelites a new home many forgot to obey God’s commandments and started to worship false idols. The Israelites sinned against the Lord God. Boys and girls guess what God did? He loved them so much that He allowed King Jabin of Canaan to cruelly oppress (torment, bully) the Israelites for twenty years until they fell on their knees and asked God for forgiveness. His general was Sisera. (Children whenever I say that name lets Hiss and Boo) Now Sisera (Hiss, Boo) had 900 chariots with iron-rimmed wheels to scare the people. Our Lord God did not do this to be mean, but to cause them to return back to the God who loves them, so very much. God knew whenever people started to hurt, they would return back to their God because they learned false gods cannot save them. That is just what they did after 20 years, they started to call out to God for help.
THE CHOICE: (Judges 4:4-10)
That is when our hero answered the call of God. Was it, Joseph, Rueben, or David? NO! God called a woman named Deborah who was a judge and prophetess in Israel. She was a very wise and understanding woman. She listened to the Lord and held court under the “Date Palm tree of Deborah” which was between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim. Many Israelites came to Deborah to have her decide their problems. All knew Deborah was an honest and fair judge. It did not matter if they were rich or poor for all her answers, she relied up on God for wisdom. One day she asked Barak from Kedesh in Naphtali ”Is it not true that the Lord God of Israel is commanding you to go to Mount Tabor, and take with you 10,000 men from Naphtali and Zebulun to fight? Then God will bring Sisera, (Hiss, Boo) the general of Jabin’s army, to you at the Kishon River, along with his chariots and a huge army, and God will hand him over to you.” Barak looked at Deborah and asked her? “If you go with me, I will go. But if you do not go with me. I will not go.” Deborah looked at Barak knowing the Lord had called him, and said “I will indeed go with you. But you will not gain fame on the expedition you are undertaking, for the Lord will turn Sisera (Hiss, Boo) over to a woman.”
When Sisera’s (Hiss, Boo) and Barak’s armies came together near the Kishon River. Deborah said “Spring into action for this is the day of the Lord is handing Sisera (Hiss, Boo) over to you!” the battle was a hard-fought battle! Children guess who won the war? Was it Sisera (Hiss, Boo) or Barak leading the Israelites under the power of God? Shout Barak! Yes, the Lord was with them, because they repented and came back to God.
THE CONSEQUENCE: (Judges 4:14-16, 23-24)
We know the army was defeated by what happened to Sisera. (Hiss, Boo) He ran, and ran and ran, until he was so very tired he found he was standing in front (Hiss, Boo) of the tent of Jael, the wife of a Kenite. They were descendants of Moses’ father-in-law. Boys and girls, do you remember what Deborah said to Barak because he would go without her “Sisera (Hiss, Boo) would die at the hand of a women” and he did die at the hand of Jael.
Israel’s power continued to grow as they learned again to follow God in all of His words and soon they were able to get rid of King Jabin. Children remember what we do when we do wrong? We, 1. Stop 2. Turn around 3. Go back and do it the right way. When we repent that means we tell God we are sorry for sinning. That is what the Israelites did and they came back to serving God.
“Boys & girls, what did we discover about God in this Bible History? (Coaches: answers will vary.) Let’s become great discoverers by asking some fun & challenging questions. Ready?”
3 LIFE CONNECTIONS: Connecting Jesus to Every Child
(1) Bble Truth Planted in MY HEART, Growing MY ATTITUDE
POWER WORDS: “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” Proverbs 31:26
(2) Bble Truth Rooted in MY MIND, Leading MY CHOICES
Game Questions:
- How was the game played?
- What parts of the game were easy for you? What parts were challenging?
- Who was the first player that was “It?” (the smallest child comes forward)
- Did this little child capture everyone? (yes)
- Wow, what a brave and courageous child! A lot like Deborah in our story.
“Boys & girls, that sounds a lot like what we just discovered in the Bible!”
Bible Questions:
- Circumstance: Where did the history take place, and who was there?
- Choice: What important decision did [name] have to make?
Was it a good choice or a bad choice, and why do you think [name] made that choice? - Can God use whoever he wants to accomplish His purpose? (Yes) Has God help You?
Life Questions:
- Circumstance: When have you (today or in the future) been in a similar situation as [name] in the Bible history?
- Choice: What would you do if you were in [name]’s situation? Have you ever faced a similar decision? What did you choose?
- Do you feel Deborah’s faith teaches us to rely on God’s strength? (Judges 4:4-5)
“Boys & girls, we should always make the right choice that will please God, let us tell God what is in our hearts right now.”
(3) Bble Truth Today Committed in MY SOUL, Inspiring MY ACTIONS
POWER PRAYER: Repeat After Me “Dear God thank you that you are always there. Thank you for always hearing my prayers and answering the way that is best for me. God thank you for this truth about Deborah a great leader that loved and served YOU. Help me to have confidence in YOU and to be courageous. Holy Spirit, please show me what You want me to do for You to show your glory through my life. Children lets stop and listen to what the Spirit is saying to you today.
***Boys & girls, let’s be still and quiet, open your heart to hear God’s whisper.***”
(Coach, wait at least 14 seconds, allowing God to connect to every child)
Jesus, please give me the courage to obey and share this truth.”
Ask the children what is their favorite worship song and then sing several worship songs with Strong & Powerful Worship Motions
(Click here for worship songs
“GameLife Strong & Powerful Worship Motions”)
Now, remember to share this truth,
practice this truth, and bring a friend back with you! Boys and girls, let’s go out as the
“Champions for Eternity” that God expects us to become!